The Freemason Legacy Lapel Pin

Embodying Freemason Values

This Legacy Pin is no ordinary pin. It reflects the important values that define a Freemason’s path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect, and, Charity. Your purchase will build vital charitable initiatives and programs, which will help the most disadvantaged people and communities in the world. The Legacy Pin reflects a Freemason’s path through life.

Iconic Symbol of Freemasonry

The Legacy Pin proudly showcases the iconic Freemason symbol, the Square and Compasses, representing the core principles of integrity, friendship, respect, and charity.

The Dancing Diamond of Light

The Legacy Pin features a “Zirconium” diamond that elegantly moves and reflects light, embodying the ethos of Freemasonry. The pin is subtle, understated, and encompassed in a ~20 millimetre (0.78 inches) radius.

Embodying Freemason Values

Beyond its elegant design, The Legacy Pin serves as a beacon of hope, reflecting Freemason values of integrity, friendship, respect, and charity for all of humanity.


Uniting for Change: Clean Water, Compassion, and Community

Compassionate Vision

Inspired by the profound suffering and resilience witnessed in Afghanistan, Freemasons Bashir Qadir, felt compelled to make a tangible difference in the world. Recognizing the essential role of water, they embarked on a mission.

Symbol of Solidarity

The Legacy Pin adorned with the emblem of Freemasonry symbolizes compassion and solidarity, reflecting the Freemason’s deep-seated values of Integrity, Friendship, Respect, and Charity.

Make an Impact

Your contribution brings hope, health, and dignity, especially to women and girls who are most impacted by the lack of clean water. The Legacy Lapel pin showcases the transformative power of our collective efforts.


Our 1st Mission

Our first mission is to support Project Terra Firma of Canada, a registered charity dedicated to providing water infrastructure to disadvantaged communities in developing countries in Africa.

Emblem of Compassion

The Legacy Pin serves as a symbol of compassion and solidarity, embodying the values of Integrity, Friendship, Respect, and Charity upheld by Freemasons worldwide. These are values we can all aspire to uphold.

Water for Impact

Your purchase of the Legacy Pin directly contributes to the mission of bringing clean water to impoverished African communities, demonstrating the transformative power of collective efforts, and highlighting the importance of philanthropy in addressing critical global challenges.

Iconic Symbol of Freemasonry

The Legacy Pin proudly showcases the iconic Freemason symbol, the Square and Compasses, representing the core principles of integrity, friendship, respect, and charity.

The Dancing Diamond of Light

The Legacy Pin features a “Zirconium” diamond that elegantly moves and reflects light, embodying the ethos of Freemasonry. The pin is subtle, understated, and encompassed in a ~20 millimetre (0.78 inches) radius.

Embodying Freemason Values

Beyond its elegant design, The Legacy Pin serves as a beacon of hope, reflecting Freemason values of integrity, friendship, respect, and charity for all of humanity.


“A Journey of Compassion and Resilience"

In the rugged terrain of Afghanistan, amidst the dust and uncertainty, I found myself in the company of a senior Freemason. Our hearts beat with the rhythm of charity, and our vision stretched far beyond the boundaries of our immediate surroundings.

Together, we embarked on a noble mission – to erect a sanctuary of healing, a beacon of hope in the form of a free hospital. Along the way, we faced several challenges that made us rethink our approach.

Inspired by these experiences and the values of Freemasons, I envisioned a symbol – the Legacy Pin. The Legacy Pin represents the core values of Freemasonry: solidarity, compassion, and integrity. These are values that we all can aspire to uphold, regardless of our background or situation.

With renewed focus, we shifted our efforts to the sun-kissed plains of Africa, where we found a cause that resonated deeply with our values – bringing the gift of clean water to some of the most disadvantaged people on the planet. This mission aligns perfectly with our commitment to making a tangible impact in the shortest amount of time.

We are hopeful that the Legacy Pin becomes a symbol of hope and unity among Freemasons worldwide and inspires charity, integrity, and tolerance in people from all walks of life, while fostering a shared commitment to making a positive impact in our global community.

Each pin brings us closer to witnessing the transformation we aspire to achieve.

Your purchase is helping build resilient villages and communities, where every drop of clean water is vital.

Sincerely, Bashir Qadir

The Legacy Lapel Pin: Embodying Values for a Better World

Thank you for your purchase of the “Legacy Lapel Pin”. This pin is no ordinary pin. It reflects the important values that define a Freemason’s path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity. These values are not exclusive to Freemasons; they represent the core principles that guide a meaningful and compassionate life, principles to which we should all aspire.

Your purchase will help bring clean water (and power) to the most disadvantaged communities in developing countries through our partnership with Project Terra Firma of Canada. Terra Firma is a registered Canadian charity that helps build critical, sustainable water (and power) infrastructure. The charity’s near-term goal is to launch a water and power infrastructure project, which will provide over a billion glasses of safe, clean, drinking water to more than 1 million people in over the next 30 years.

Water is a foundational building block for health and economic prosperity. Without reliable access to water, communities are locked into a perpetual cycle of poverty. The UN estimates that roughly 1.6 billion people – or almost 25% of the world’s population – do not have access to clean, safe water. We believe access to clean, safe water is a basic human right. This initiative supports several of the UN’s Sustainability Goals, and especially #5 and #6, which are focused access to safe, clean water and empowering women and girls.

The Legacy Pin reflects our compassion for others and our principle of charity. Your purchase is a way for you to make a direct contribution to help make the world a better place for the most disadvantaged. Please wear it proudly.

For more information regarding Terra Firma visit:

Thank you again for your support.